Fed Up & Starting Over
I’ve finally had it with browsers that don’t follow Web specifications—especially important ones that date from 1996 and whose broken implementation prevents what should be the most important aspect of the web.
Device and browser independence, through content-negotiation.
So I am taking the drastic step of starting over, from scratch, and rebuilding this site from the ground up to follow the Web standards. If Microsoft’s best browser can’t handle it, then so be it.
http://www.petesguide.com/ will continue to function with IE and other broken browsers, and its design will not be changing, though I will continue to add some content there.
http://petesguide.com/ will be the new version of this site where most of the action happens. Coming soon is a new logo, but the first changes are already in place.
I have configured this site to fully use content negotiation, for both language and media type. The index pages of this site are index.en-us.xhtml
and index.en-us.wap
—only XHTML 1.1 and XHTML Mobile Profile versions of this site will be offered, and browsers must have correctly formed http_accept
headers in order to choose between the two.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story.